Rstudio for ubuntu 20.04
Rstudio for ubuntu 20.04

rstudio for ubuntu 20.04

Openxlsx -> Read, Write and Edit XLSX Files Install.packages( “dygraphs”, dependencies = TRUE ) Install.packages( “xts”, dependencies = TRUE ) Install.packages( “RODBC”, dependencies = TRUE ) Install.packages( “stringdist”, dependencies = TRUE ) Stringdist -> Computes string distances, very useful when creating clusters of catalog descriptions. Install.packages( “sqldf”, dependencies = TRUE ) Sqldf -> Run SQL instructions on your datasets. Install.packages( “data.table”, dependencies = TRUE ) Install.packages( “tidyverse”, dependencies = TRUE )ĭata.table -> Fast manipulation of large datasets. Use the keyserver code only if it is needed or requested.Tidyverse -> Opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. Use vi, pico, emacs, gedit or whatever your favorite editor is to change the name of the Ubuntu version, and erase the comment tag You can find that in a previous update, the lane defining a previous cran R repository has been deactivated by using a "#". You can know the name of your version by accessing to THIS WEB PAGEįor updates, most of the times this lane don't need to be added to the sources.list, but an editing of the sources.list is required instead. Ubuntu 15.10's name is "Wily", and so on. It will not work, however, if you have a different Ubuntu version, as this name changesįor example, Ubuntu 15.04's name is "Vivid". This address will work if you have the "precise" version of Ubuntu (that is version 12.04). This lane add as superuser the address of the repository of R into the end of the list of repositories that are used for Ubuntu's updates and upgrades. To do that:Ī little more of detail that can be useful echo "deb precise/" > /etc/apt/sources.list For instance, you want to update from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2:Īdditionally, maybe you need to update bioconductor and/or the packages. If the new version corresponds to the third digit.

rstudio for ubuntu 20.04

write on the terminal: sudo apt-get install r-base.write on the terminal: sudo apt-get update.deb xenial-cran35/ Go to the file: computer/etc/apt/sources.list.For instance, you want to update from 3.4 to 3.5: If the new version corresponds to the second digit.

Rstudio for ubuntu 20.04